Fox speaks of winter II

Mediumship, Power Animal, Shamanic Journey

Yes, I have a lovely fur coat, but that is only my surface beauty.

Inside, I am confident, I know I belong here, I have what it takes to survive and thrive. I am resourceful. I know what I want and how to get it. I follow my nose, follow what humans call instinct to draw in what I need for sustenance.

Let fox teach you his ways, his grace, supreme confidence, resourcefulness, his intelligence gained from innate instinct, street smarts, animal wisdom, observational skills.

Photo by Birger Strahl on Unsplash

Sustain yourself in winter of your life, when there is a chill on your mind and in your bones. Warm yourself with the spark of spirit that never burns out. Go inward to rekindle and nurture your inner fire. The world may be full of snow, bare trees, and sub zero cold, but deep inside, the cycles of life, ever turning, will carry you through to spring.

Your spirit has chosen to live in this body in this place that experiences winter, so hibernate for a time, rest, recharge your spirit, body, and emotions.

Honor the seasons, the cycles of your life and mind. Go inward to tap into the wellspring of spirit and life force which sustains you through it all.

Fox speaks of winter

Connect with spirit, Life Tips, Mediumship, Power Animal, Shamanic Journey, Shamanism

Betty’s note: Dear friends, As I practiced mediumship, and invited fox to speak, he came through for me in a very insistent way, wanting humans to know and understand his perspective. I have interpreted the impressions, feelings and telepathic messages I received from fox into words. My next three posts are all channeled from fox.

I am fox! I survive and thrive in your human-centric world in all seasons, all conditions.

Why do humans fuss about winter and cold? This is an integral season in the cycle of nature on our planet, a time to go inward, rest, live off the fat of the land, hibernate, relax, plan, play.

If you resist and disparage the cold and harsh winds of winter, you resist reality. If you resist reality, you resist your life.

Photo by Amanda Frank on Unsplash

Do you wonder why life is so hard? What if you did not resist the unchangeable conditions of your life? Would your life be easier?

Just as our physical bodies require us to wake and sleep, the larger cycles of life on earth give us day and night, sunlight and shadow. Winter follows fall, then spring and summer – every. single. year. if you are ready or not!

You are alive and rooted here on this Earth for now, so if you wish to thrive, learn to be at peace and relax into the cycles of nature beyond your control.

I say, follow your nose, your senses, the quiet inner voice within that leads to the sustenance you seek in mind body and spirit. Find sustenance for your life even in the deep snows of winter.

I am a creature with confidence. I do not question my existence. I do not question my right to live, to feed myself and my family. I do not resist the reality of freezing cold in winter or steaming heat in summer. I live within the parameters of my life as a fox on this planet in this year you call 2023.

Can you do this as a human?